It seems like forever since we’ve seen you! The Fox plumbing has been sorted out and we have a sweet send off before we take a summer break. We’ve got lots to celebrate! It’s Canada’s 150 plus anniversary so we have a classic beaver talk, it’s men’s mental health month so we’ve got a talk on that, plus we’re also going to kick off the YVR Food Fest, and as an added bonus your ticket will be good to stay for the party which starts right after Nerd Nite at the Fox!
When: Wednesday, June 28th; Doors @ 7

Poster image by: Armin Mortazavi
Instagram: @armin.scientoonist
Photos by: Stephanie Chan
1. Everything I Need to Know in Life I Learned From a Shark
David Shiffmann
Learn about the wonderful world of sharks and rays from marine biologist Dr. David Shiffman! David has interacted with thousands of sharks of more than 50 species all over the world. In this talk, he’ll share fun facts about these amazing animals, and share lessons learned from his dream job.
Bio: Dr. David Shiffman is a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Simon Fraser University, where his research focuses on the sustainability of Canadian shark fisheries. He is also an award winning science communicator who has written about sharks for the Washington Post, Scientific American, and other outlets. Follow him on twitter @WhySharksMatter
2. Cartoon Therapy
Armin Mortazavi
3. Beavers
Lesley Fox
Move over Captain America, Wonder Woman and Spiderman. Beavers are the true superheroes. They clean water, create and maintain vital wetlands, prevent drought, change landscapes and can even build dams so large you can see them from space (actually, that story got blown out of proportion – but the dam was huge). Beavers are also furry, family-oriented and adorable. Sadly, they’re also killed by the thousands for their fur and because some people consider them to be a “nuisance”. Why is there a disconnect between what we know about beavers and how we treat them? What solutions exist to prevent conflict so beavers can exercise their superpowers without interfering with people, and vice versa? Discover the incredible life of beavers, the role they play in our ecosystems, and how we can all help them realize their true place among our favourite superheroes.
Bio: Lesley Fox is the Executive Director of The Fur-Bearers, a national non-profit organization dedicating to protecting fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. She is also a certified Humane Education Specialist through the National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (NAHEE), and graduated with honours from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Public Relations, Marketing Communications and Non-Profit Management. Lesley lives in Vancouver and enjoys reading and volunteering in her spare time.