Nerd Nite v.37

Well here we are, the planet is tilting back towards the sun, and lo and behold here in our north-west corner of the continent it’s actually warming the weather. Granted there is that thing that’s warming the entire planet, but as good science communicators we know there’s a big difference between weather and climate right? In this month of June, named for the Roman God Juno, we have our final Nerd Nite before we take our summer hiatus. This month we have one of UBC’s top instructors, zoologist Greg Bole co-hosting with Michael on the topics of Quantum Computing, Science Communication, and Planet Formation. We’re hitting science hard this month, but this is no university lecture, this is science with beer and friends, get in here!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday June 20th; Doors @ 7, show starts @ 7:30

Tickets: Eventbrite

This month we feature:

1. Nik Hartman- “Quantum Computing”

2. David Ng – “Science Communication”

3. Nienke Van Der Marel – “Planet Formation”

Nerd Nite v. 36

May the Twenty-Third Be With Us! And it will be with us to celebrate all the nerdy things that you hold dear. This month we have enlisted the talents of another top-notch host who has been putting on amazing gender bending shows in this city including Man Up! They graced the Nerd Nite stage last year to talk about Gender Peformance, now they help Michael bring us into the cat days of spring. Join us, maybe dress your gender bending best!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday May 23rd; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Tenure?

Jake Lever

With the rise of AI, will the robots replace graduate students and one day become professors? Could they be making the discoveries of tomorrow in science and health care? I’ll be talking about how computers process language, whether they can understand it and what this might mean for the future.

Bio: Jake is a UBC PhD student in Bioinformatics at the Genome Sciences Centre. He spends his time teaching computers to read papers so his colleagues don’t need to read as many. This helps to find the meaning of mutations in cancer and guide treatments. He still thinks that Perfect Dark is the greatest game ever made.

2. History of Drag

Nadine Boulay

Bio: Nadine Boulay is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University in the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. Researcher of queer history, amateur at all things digital humanities, oral historian, and doctoral candidate living on unceded Coast Salish territories.

3. Conservation Finance

Devyani Kumari

Bio: Devyani is a Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resource Management at the Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Her research focuses on the intersection of household energy access, climate change, forest sustainability, and payments for ecosystem services. Devyani is passionate about working on science-policy issues and seeing an impact on local communities worldwide.

Nerd Nite v.35

Greetings nerdlings, we’re back this month with so much fun stuff. Kaylee is still in Sri Lanka escaping giant spiders and other death traps, but local DJ impresario and bon vivant Trevor Risk is stepping up to not only co-host with Michael this month but also DJ the night. If you were at last Nerd Nite you learned about the history of Nerd Nite speaker gender ratios and how it’s at 48% female even though the population of Vancouver is 51% female, so this month we have three amazing female nerds to nerd out with us including one that is going to talk about ratios. So come with a nerd friend, or come solo and meet new nerd friends, we need you!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday April 25th; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


This month we feature:

1. Chemistry

Chantal Mustoe

Bio: Chantal is a PhD student at UBC in the Department of Chemistry. She loves chemistry, spectroscopy, and animals. Also the ChemEditor and part of the and outreach teams. Occasionally found chlorinated in a local pool.

2.  Ratios

Lisa Christiansen

Bio: Lisa is the On the Coast traffic and music reporter on CBC Radio One Vancouver. She is a former Polaris Music Prize grand juror and host of CBC Radio 3’s Appetite for Distraction. She is the co-host of the podcast Pop This: Lover of bad pop and good metal.


3. The Deep ‘Cities of Glass’ in Howe Sound

Sheila Byers

About 30 years ago, scientists were astounded by the discovery of glass sponge reefs off Haida Gwaii in northern BC. Glass sponges are filter-feeding marine animals with skeletons made almost entirely of glass, but they were thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago. More recently, glass sponge reefs have been discovered and mapped in Howe Sound by the Marine Life Sanctuaries Society. Dive to the depths of Howe Sound with Sheila to learn about these fragile reefs, their unique ecosystem, ecological services and why they need to be protected.

Bio: Sheila is a registered professional biologist, marine biologist and Museum Interpreter at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at UBC. She is the past President and a current Director of the Marine Life Sanctuaries Society that strives for the establishment of marine sanctuaries to protect marine life, with the present focus on the protection of the glass sponge reef ecosystems in Howe Sound.

Nerd Nite v.34

It’s Springtime for Nerds! It’s the time of equality, not only for the Earth as we reach equinox, but also for our species as it’s National Women’s Month. This means we get to nerd out about our favourite women scientists with our favourite women nerds, but it’s also Music Therapy month! So this month we honour our women nerds, and have an amazing music therapy nerd to serenade us through this earthly time of equality, and hopefully get us some serenity having to deal with a lost hour due to Daylight Saving Time (don’t get Michael started on how much he dislikes human organization of time).

This month we’ve also got über nerd Nicole Balsdon from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum to make sure Michael doesn’t talk about Daylight Saving Time, but more imporantly to co-host three amazing talks!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday March 21st; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite

 nerd nite 34

1. Saving the World with Brewer’s Yeast

Karissa Milbury

We all love yeast: from beer to bread, kombucha to chocolate, and even our beloved coffee, yeast are the secret behind all the best parts of life. But did you know that humans and yeast have also teamed up in the search for better cancer therapies? We’ll take a look at how scientists use brewer’s yeast to delve into the mysteries of how our own cells function, and touch more broadly on how geneticists use model organisms (like yeast) to untangle the genetic code. Forget dogs; yeast are man’s — and woman’s! — best friend.

Bio: Karissa Milbury holds a B.Sc. (Hon) from Dalhousie University in Halifax, and is currently a PhD Candidate in the Genome Science & Technology program at the University of British Columbia. She carries out her research in the Terry Fox Laboratory at the BC Cancer Research Centre under the supervision of Dr. Peter Stirling. She is also a UBC Public Scholar and member of the Vancouver SciCATs.

2. Music Therapy

Carol Wiedemann

Bio: Carol has been a music therapist and musician in Vancouver for over 15 years. In addition to her music therapy position at BC Children’s Hospital, Carol is Coordinator of Music Therapy for Vancouver Native Health Society and Coordinator of the Bandwagon Projects.


3. Surviving the Flood

Dr. Simon Donner

Come learn about the Pacific Island country of Kiribati’s struggle against sea-level rise. Though Kiribati faces an existential threat, its islands and its people are more resilient than you might think.

Bio: Simon Donner is an Associate Professor of Climatology at the University of British Columbia and has been studying climate change in the Pacific Islands since 2005. He won third place at the 1985 Metro Toronto Science Fair for his groundbreaking analysis of the aerodynamics of paper airlines.

Nerd Nite v.33

We’re coming off our biggest Nerd Nite yet, last month’s sold out show was a doozy. So much machine learning, and Dr. Who anecdotes, not to mention all the exoplanets we all discovered since then right? This month we’re bringing back some heavy nerd hitters, but mostly it’s the month for us to focus on what’s really important. Loving our fellow nerds, so come meet a new nerd, and bring some ideas to share!

This month we’re got the amazing Dr. Jennifer Gardy to co-host three amazing talks!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday February 21st; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite

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1.  Environmental Toxicology

Marianna DiMauro and Kate Mill

Bio: Marianna DiMauro is a Master’s student at Simon Fraser University in the resource and environmental management program, under the supervision of Dr. Frank Gobas. Currently, she is working on a bioconcentration study as part of a larger initiative to test the applicability of in-vitro (test tube) tests and extrapolation models for predicting bioaccumulation of chemicals in fish.

Kate is in the Master’s of Environmental Toxicology program at Simon Fraser University studying the lethal and sub lethal effects of anti-sea lice pesticides on non target organisms, under the supervision of Dr. Chris Kennedy.

2.  Everybody Toots, But Why?

Desiree Nielsen, RD

A look into where gas comes from…that plays into the larger topic of gut microbiota and how food choices impact the microbiota.

Bio: Desiree is a registered dietitian, author and ambassador for the good (for you) life. She is the host of The Urban Vegetarian, a new vegetarian cooking show on Gusto TV.

3. Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Robin Coope 

Bio: Robin Coope is the Instrumentation Group Leader at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre and has been in the genomics field since 2000. In this position Dr. Coope is responsible for evaluating new instrumentation as well as designing de-novo solutions. He holds a BASc and MASc in Engineering Physics and a PhD in Physics from the University of British Columbia.

Nerd Nite v.32

What are you curious about this year? Here at Nerd Nite we are going to delve deep into the curiosities of all the diverse nerds that we have living in this country. We want to keep growing, and learning with you!

While Kaylee is away till Fall, we will be having guest hosts that will bring their own perspectives to each month, helping shape the curation of our speakers. This month we’re delighted to announce Educator, Improvisor, and former Nerd Nite speaker Amy Shostak will be co-hosting with Michael!

This month we have three amazing speakers, let’s start this year off right!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday January 24th; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


1. Machine Learning AKA When Robots Attack/Speak/Recognize Cats/Drive Cars

Curt Da Silva 

Bio: Curt is a recent PhD graduate from the University of British Columbia in Applied Mathematics. He is a data scientist with a strong mathematical background and extensive experience with machine learning and large-scale optimization. He’s passionate about turning cutting edge research methods into scalable and well-designed software and providing adept and accurate data-driven analysis. His PhD thesis work has been in the areas of tensor completion, composite-convex optimization, and software design for large-scale inverse problems.

2. Dr. Who

Rachel Talalay 

Bio: Rachel Talalay is a British-American film and television director and producer. She is also a University of British Columbia film professor. She has directed seven episodes of Dr. Who to date including “Twice Upon a Time” the premiere of Jodie Whittaker as the first female Dr. Who.

3. A History of Planet-Hunting (And How You Can Be a Part of It)

Michelle Kunimoto

This talk covers the past, present, and future of hunting for planets – within our own Solar System and beyond! Discoveries of exoplanets (planets outside the Solar System) have exploded over the last couple decades, and exoplanets have quickly become the Hot Topic of Astronomy today. Anyone can take part in the hunt – even you, from your comfort of your own home. I’ll be introducing you to how, and share my own independent search for planets as an undergraduate.

Bio: Michelle Kunimoto is a Star-Trek-inspired PhD student at UBC in Astronomy, under the supervision of Dr. Jaymie Matthews. Her exoplanet candidate discoveries as an undergraduate landed her on the Forbes 30 Under 30 List for Science, and she continues to independently search for planets to this day.

Nerd Nite v. 31 Solstice

We made it everyone! We’ve wrapped another amazing year, and we want to see you all before the end of it! We’ve invited all of our speakers from 2017 to celebrate with us, and we want to give you all a chance to continue to nerd out with them over drinks. Plus it’s Kaylee’s last Nerd Nite for a while. So let’s get her wasted!

For this year’s solstice party we also want you up on our stage to play Powerpoint Kareoke!

The rules of the game are as follows: you go on stage and give a talk to a random powerpoint presentation that has been curated to show 20 slides that randomly switch every 20 seconds. There will be lots of prizes and shenanigans!

Send us an email if you’d like to sign up!

As always we can’t have a Nerd Nite without some learning so we’ve got a featured classic Nerd Nite talk!:

Dr. Jennifer Gardy – Canada Research Chair in Public Health Genomics, MSFHR Scholar, UBC School of Population and Public Health, BC Centre for Disease Control

Confirmed past Nerd Nite speakers that will be in attendance and hopefully on stage playing PPT Kareoke!

Dr. David Shiffman (Sharks)

Nicole Balsdon (Biodiversity)

Armin Mortazavi (Sciencetooning)

Jared Stang (Time Travel)

Hélène Frohard-Dourlent (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday December 20th; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


Nerd Nite v.30

2017 is flying by! It’s our last standard Nerd Nite of the year, and we have a doozy for you. Let’s end this year with beer and science in our brains!

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday November 22nd; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


1. Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing

Dr. Bill Gibson

Tonight he’ll be talking about the DNA testing you can get on yourself, without having trouble your poor, overworked family doc! Ever wanted to know if you are a carrier of Bloom syndrome, or what evil lurks in your gut microbiome, a.k.a. your poop? This talk will tell you how to find out. Because it’s sort of personalized medicine, or personalized sort-of medicine, individual results may vary.

Bio: Dr. William Gibson did not write Neuromancer, Johnny Mnemonic or The Peripheral. (Maybe try the Vancouver Writer’s Fest?) Anyway, our Nerd Nite guest did discover a whole genetic disease, and made sure the PhD student got top billing to boot! Check out “Cohen-Gibson syndrome” at Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Usually he works at the Provincial Medical Genetics Program and tries to solve other genetic and epigenetic diseases, including overgrowth, diabetes, lupus and brain aneurysms. Occasionally he messes up Canadian history in podcast format.

2. WTF is Science Illustration

Jen Burgess

Science and art have been fundamentally linked throughout history, but these days, artists and scientists seem to have retreated into separate camps. What happened? Science and art still need each other, and science illustrators are here to bridge the gap. Yet many people aren’t aware this career path, or this professional service, exists. What kind of training do science illustrators receive (or need to pursue)? How can illustrations help make modern science more accessible? When is an illustration preferable to a photograph? How can a scientist find an illustrator? What’s the process like of working together? Let’s answer some of these questions and navigate some familiar themes as we explore how science and art can relearn to coexist in the modern era.

Jen Burgess is a freelance scientific illustrator based in Vancouver. She has a unique confluence of background and skill sets that suit her incredibly niche career choice, including but not limited to: a BSc in geography from the University of Victoria (with upper-level biology electives), formal training in fine art techniques from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and training as a California naturalist at University of California Santa Cruz. All this lead up to her pursuit of a graduate certificate in science illustration at California State University Monterey Bay in 2015. She threw herself into this program wholeheartedly and has been freelancing at home in Vancouver ever since. Not-so-coincidentally, on November 24 Jen will be having an art opening at Creative Coworkers from 5-8pm; more details in the talk.

(Twitter: @jenburgessart)

3.  “Genetic Counselling”

Kennedy Borle

This talk is to spread awareness about the field of genetic counselling, which not so coincidentally falls within Genetic Counselling Awareness Week! When you think of “genetic counselling” maybe your brain feels overwhelmed because those words together seem like an oxymoron. Maybe you immediately think of Gattaca and are weary and a little bit excited, or maybe you’re just outright confused because you’ve never heard of genetic counselling. We will be talking about what genetic counselling is, clearing up misconceptions about genetics and genetic counselling, discussing situations where genetic counsellors are important, and spreading awareness about the wonderful and ever expanding field.

Bio: Kennedy Borle, Stephanie Chieffo, Vanessa Di Gioacchino, Cara Inglese, Jill Madden, and Eugene Wong are the 2018 graduating class of UBC’s Masters of Genetic Counselling Program. In addition to being the six best friends that anyone could ever have, they are hard working graduate students with a passion for genetics and making a difference in the lives of patients and their families.

Photos by: Stephanie Chan

Nerd Nite v. 29

Oh hi. Nerd Nite here. Kaylee and Michael. Guess what? We want to see you and talk some nerdy shit with you. I know maybe we saw you at Et Al last month (which was amazing), maybe we saw you at our exclusive free math event at Science World (super amazing). We need to get serious about our nerding out here though. It’s October which is one of our favourite months of the year, and even if you’re in school or not, it’s time to learn about some nerdy stuff with beer. Let’s kick this scholastic year in gear. We can’t wait to see you.

Where: The Fox Cabaret

When: Wednesday October 25th; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


1. Living in the Age of Uprisings

Serbulent Turan

The first decade of 2000 has witnessed a peak in the number of uprisings throughout the globe the likes of which were seen only in 3 other historical instances in the last three centuries. We are witnessing a global dissatisfaction with economic injustices, failure of political systems – across all systems, and increasing demands for rights and justice. On the other hand, we also see a global turn towards authoritarian leaders and practices, threatening long established democracies and the rights and freedoms associated with these. These two are, of course, connected. But what are we seeing and what should we expect from such an age of uncertainty?

Serbulent Turan is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at UBC where he also teaches on Democracy, Revolutions, and Political Theory. His research focuses on the constitution of the modern state and how states engender obedience in their populations. Originally from Turkey, he’s moved to Canada 10 years ago after spending some time in Europe.


2. Pufferfish, Neat!

Emilie Stump

The over 180 species of smooth pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae) are biologically fascinating fishes are best known their arsenal of defenses, including inflatable bodies, parrot-like beaks, and skin laced with deadly neurotoxins. Pufferfish, Neat! will showcase the diversity of pufferfishes, and share pufferfish stories from around the world and through time. Whether as delicacies worth dying for, or as the key ingredient in Haitian zombie powder, or as the inspiration for the largest steel framework statue in the world, pufferfishes have a rich and fascinating cultural history spanning millennia. Given their status as high-value delicacies, these fishes are also vulnerable to overfishing in many parts of their range.

Emilie Stump is a marine ecologist with a life-long passion for fishes. She has worked closely with marine fishes since her first job in high school at a locally-owned aquarium store. Trained and mentored by ichthyologists and conservationists, she has studied fishes in captive and wild settings from the coral reefs of Florida to fish markets in Gabon, and facilitated global initiatives to advance marine conservation. Additionally, Emilie’s scientific illustration work has been commissioned by professionals and institutions around the world. Emilie is currently completing her MSc at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.

3. Buffy the straight-ish vampire (s)layer: Buffy, Willow, and Queer Sexualities in the Media

Hélène Frohard-Dourlent

This talk explores the portrayal of queer sexualities in the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer by looking specifically at the character of Willow as well as Buffy (Season 8 comic books spoiler alert: turns out Buffy is also a bit flexible in the heterosexual department…). Buffy is often lauded as a progressive and feminist show, but a close look at its characters and storylines reveal many tensions and contradictions when it comes to sexuality. I explore these complexities and the challenges of queer representationsby discussing Willow and Tara as lesbian role-models for baby queers (hi!), bisexual erasure, and heteroflexibility.

Hélène Frohard-Dourlent (they/them or she/her) credits Buffy for teaching them English and making them queer, as any good TV show should. Hélène has published several articles on Buffy and recently co-edited a special issue of Slayage (the journal of Whedon Studies) on Queering the Whedonverses. Hélène has also spent many delightful years doing research on gender and sexual diversity in the fields of education and health, and even got a PhD in Sociology out of it. Hélène currently works for UBC within the Student Diversity Initiative

Fractions and ratios and proportions, oh my! – Nerd Nite at Science World

Nerd Nite is going on a field trip once again! This time at Science World! To celebrate the opening of the new exhibit “Math Moves”, we’ll have three talks on different perspectives on Math, but best of all, IT’S FREE.

We’ll have drinks for sale, and time to peruse the gallery, but you’ll need to reserve a ticket, and they’ll be in high demand with limited capacity, so don’t miss out!

Where: Telus Wold of Science

When: Wednesday September 27th; Doors @ 7

Tickets: Eventbrite


Sophie Johns – “The Contagious Cancer Threatening Tasmanian Devils with Extinction and How Mathematics Can Help”

Think back to your last mathematics class, you might have been left wondering how this information would possibly help you in adult life. You may be surprised how often mathematics is used to advise decision makers and how it is being used to better understand the world around us. For instance, epidemiology is an area of mathematics dedicated to understanding diseases. These models can be used to uncover many aspects of diseases such as – how they spread, immunisation requirements, and even how host and diseases evolve. Take the Tasmanian Devil for example. This Australian marsupial is being threatened with extinction by a transmissible cancer. The understanding and perspective provided by mathematical models of this disease will help conservation efforts and hopefully save the species from the brink of extinction.

Sophie Johns is in her first year of a biology PhD. Rather than doing laboratory experiments or field research, Sophie is using mathematics to explore evolutionary and ecological dynamics. Her current PhD project is on the Tasmanian Devil’s facial tumour disease, a rare form of transmissible cancer. She’s based at the Australian National University but is current on exchange with Sally Otto at the University of British Columbia.


Nikki Berreth – “Patterns of Choice”

Sometimes it can feel impossible to make a decision. However, most of our choices are so simple, they are almost instinctual: like choosing a bathroom stall, crossing the road or picking a partner! Learn more about the mathematical patterns behind the choices we make.

Nikki Berreth is an experienced science communicator and educator working in Vancouver, BC. When she is not entertaining the masses at with math and science, she is nerding out over new media for sharing science. Her most current endeavour – crocheted fractal patterns!


Mark MacLean

Mark MacLean is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of British Columbia and is interested in how we learn to understand mathematics. Professor MacLean is the a co-creator of UBC’s Science One Program and is the creator of animated children’s stories inspired by mathematics found in Aboriginal storytelling. In recognition of his contributions to mathematics education in Canada, Professor MacLean was awarded the Adrien Pouliot Award in 2015.